Painting “Grandmother’s Tales”, Maximov – description of the painting

Description of the picture:

Grandmother’s Tales – Vasily Maximovich Maximov. Canvas, oil. Ninety two x sixty seven cm

Vasily Maksimovich Maksimov comes from a farming family and, like no one else, he understands difficulties and need, knows the traditions and life of the villagers.

His work “Grandma’s Tales” is perhaps one of the most recognizable. The picture is good because in it the creator depicted the internal state of the characters faster than any action. But the creator with the knowledge of the case described a simple decoration of the room. A cradle for the baby is hung at the top of the ceiling, the laundry is dried and there is a bunch of mushrooms or some herbs. On the walls are the things needed in the household.

In the evening, in a hut lit by a torch, the whole large farming family gathered to listen to their beloved tales. For a long day spent in labor and care, such gatherings with quiet stories or conversations are a vacation for farmers.

In the center of the canvas is a storyteller grandmother. Her pensive, kind and wise face is perfectly reflected by the artist. Exhausted hands never know peace, and for the moment, in the hands of a spindle that “sings” in unison with the tale being told.

The lady with the child thoughtfully left her thoughts or listened to an unusual story. Nearby, a seated young woman is interested in the plot, and, propping her face with her hand, she stares intently behind the story.

The men on the left side of the picture are busy with their own work, and even they are not, they are putting off their affairs, being carried away in particular by an entertaining moment. But naturally, children are the most appreciative and specific listeners. All emotions are written on their ingenuous faces.

Two kids sitting opposite the grandmother were just frozen by the breathtaking magic tale and are looking forward to continue. Behind the back of the storyteller are three more older children. Naturally, they are also curious, but they are already more serious and thoughtful.

What we see the different feelings of all the characters depicted, but the plot is united by the idea of ​​the creator of the picture – to truly show the farmers. He lovingly outlines their usual peasant housing, their meaningful faces.

Yes, they have a lot of work and trouble from an early age, but they can wholeheartedly be carried away, empathize, relax and rejoice at simple amusements."