“Autumn landscape”, Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov – description of the painting

Description of the picture:

Autumn landscape – Misha Vasilyevich Nesterov. Canvas, oil. 101x 100 30 four cm

   It is difficult to attribute the work of Nesterov to a certain style, because Misha Vasilievich belonged to the friendship of traveling exhibitions, or “Wanderers” – a union of painters, which refuted academic painting, advocating the rapprochement of art with the people. Representatives of this trend are characterized by realism, naturalism and some drama in the paintings, which is clearly expressed in Nesterov’s painting – “Autumn Landscape”.

   The canvas is made in pastel colors, and, at first glance, contrast is not inherent in it. But if you look closely, you can see how the master plays with transitions of cool and warm colors. Similarly, the creator combined different moods: on the one hand, he admires the harmony of Russian landscapes, and on the other he conveyed the melancholy of a withering autumn nature.

   Note that the frontal image shows a tree. Although the vast part of the picture is occupied by the aquatic expanse, more specifically the tree is more enthusiastic. The catchy thing is that it is asymmetric – on the one hand there is dense greenery, on the other – dead devastated branches. The painter allegedly recorded the moment of the change of season, which may also be an allegory for the transition period in the life of a person from youth to old age.

   The mood of the canvas of M.V. Nesterov could be influenced by the lyrical trends of the Silver Age, but it is more possible that the creator was impressed by the works of Melnikov-Pechersky, describing the hard life of the Old Believers. This inspired the painter to begin a cycle of “populist” paintings. There was a plot of peasant life, Russian folk tales, and an important leitmotif was the contemplation of Russian mother nature. Nesterov did not hide his love for his native land. In this landscape, he showed this love with the inherent mystery and longing inherent in the Russian soul."