Dessert (Tray with Waffles), Bozhen Luben

Description of the picture:

Dessert (Tray with Waffles) – Bozhen Luben. 1630-1635. Wood, oil. 41×52   French painter Bozhen Luben (circa 1612-1663) painted religious images and worked in the still life genre.   Still life Dessert (Waffle Tray) laconic: a glass of the thinnest glass filled with wine, a bottle of “divine nectar” braided in grass, and a round tray with several wafer tubes lying on it. The rigor of construction and miniaturism in a painstaking selection of objects enable the viewer to focus on them and feel the aesthetics of the French style. To mitigate unnecessary severity and smooth out the emphasized directness, the tray with the treat is slightly extended over the edge of the table. This brings the dynamics into the composition, increases the depth of the place and makes an almost illusionistic effect of the materiality of things.   Each object seems to be separate from the others, being a self-sufficient “hero” of the canvas. Things are perceived not as everyday things, designed to serve in a person’s daily life, but as practically cult, sacred."